스팀 프로그램 중 창들을 이쁘게 묶어주는 Groupy라는 프로그램
Groupy on Steam
Keep all your apps together in browser-like tabs with Groupy! This app will transform the way you use your PC. A popular utility app from the makers of Fences and Multiplicity, Groupy lets Windows users group desktop windows together as easily as browsers
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홈페이지에서 모집도 받길래 슬쩍 해서 올렸습니다.
Groupy Community Translations » Forum Post by sdRohan
We are creating this thread should any community members wish to post translations for languages or updates to ones that already exist. The Languages that Stardock supports and will update: English German Spanish French Korean Russian Chinese (Simplified)
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'한글 패치 - 프로그램 > Groupy' 카테고리의 다른 글
Groupy 한글 적용! (0) | 2021.06.15 |